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Investigation and Consideration on Time Limitation Prescriptions of Outpatients in a Hospital
投稿时间:2015-08-21  修订日期:2016-01-07
中文关键词:  处方管理办法  超量取药  医保政策
英文关键词:Prescription management  Time limitation prescriptions  Medical insurance policy
彭惠 吴方建 长江航运总医院·武汉脑科医院 武汉 430010 
摘要点击次数: 411
全文下载次数: 524
      摘 要 目的:了解我院门诊超量取药处方的实际情况。方法: 统计2015年7月1~31日门诊超量取药处方共计1 107张,采用回顾性研究方法分析评价超量取药处方的实际情况。结果: 共调查16 063张处方,超量取药处方1 107张,占总处方的6.89%。涉及902例患者,存在同一患者在同一天开具多张超量处方的情况。随着年龄的增加,患者的人数也在逐渐增加。处方金额在101~200元之间的处方数量最多,占所有超量取药处方的34.51%。按医嘱数排名前10位的药品与排名前10位的诊断基本相符。且这10种药品中,中成药有5种。结论:超量取药处方是医保制度下政策的产物,超量取药处方的管理不应是单纯药物数量的叠加,应根据疾病、药物以及患者的特点,个体化制定策略,达到更合理的管理策略,其最终目标是让患者获益,使医疗资源分配更加合理。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the situation of time limitation prescriptions of outpatients in our hospital. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on 1 107 time limitation prescriptions from July 1st to 31th in 2015. Results: There were 1 107 time limitation prescriptions in 16 063 prescriptions (6.89%), which included 902 patients, and among them, there were more than one time limitation prescription in one day for one patient. As the increase of age, the number of patients with time limitation prescriptions was increased. The number of time limitation prescriptions with the sum between 101 and 200 yuan was the most (34.51%). The diagnosis of top 10 of the drugs according to the doctor’s advice and the actual top ten was substantially consistent, and among them, half were Chinese patent medicines. Conclusion:Time limitation prescriptions are the products of medical insurance policy. The management of time limitation prescriptions can’t be only defined as the quantity superposition of drugs, and it is necessary to generate individualized strategy according to the properties of diseases, drugs and patients in order to obtain more reasonable management strategies, and the ultimate purposes are benefiting patients and obtaining more rational distribution of medical resource.
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